
Fiducian Group's shareholder centre

If you’re a Fiducian Group Limited shareholder, we thank you for investing in our business and sharing in our future.

On this page, you’ll find key information for shareholders and their representatives, including:

  • Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
  • Australian Securities Exchange
  • AGM 2023 Documents
  • Key Dates
  • Stock research summary

Shareholder Registry Details

The Fiducian Group Limited listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. ASX Code is [**FID**] (https://www2.asx.com.au/markets/company/fid). If you have any questions about a Fiducian Group Limited shareholding, please contact our shareholder registry:

Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited

P: 1300 850 505

P: +61 3 9415 4000

A: The Registrar
Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
6 Hope St, Ermington NSW 2115

Computershare provides shareholders with information online at www.computershare.com.au

Key Dates

AGM was held on 19 October 2023, below are the related links to the meeting:

Fiducan Stock Research Summary

by Veritas Securities Limited

Fiducan Stock Research Summary

FY2023 results

The financial results for the FY2023 demonstrated that in spite of a difficult period of economic, financial market and geopolitical turmoil, our growth strategy has not faltered and our operations have expanded. Management has worked hard and positioned all areas of the company for future growth by utilising its vast cache of intellectual capital.

FY2023 results